Ben Squires
Home & Garden

6 steps to a peaceful garden

With New Zealand's great climate we can afford to think of the garden as an extra room, albeit one that’s exposed to the elements. Think carefully about the layout of your outside space and you can create a peaceful retreat for the whole family.

Make a plan

A peaceful garden is an orderly garden, so the first thing to do is make a plan. You don’t need a professional, a notepad and a pen will suffice. Pick a theme and stick to it, so you’re not just haphazardly making changes or adding pieces. Think of the garden as a blank canvas then map it out with spots for plants, paths, art and furniture.

Keep it low maintenance

No matter how peaceful the garden itself is, it will be a source of stress if it requires constant work. Think about minimising (or removing) the lawn, install paving or a patio and choose low maintenance plants. You want to be able to come out to a garden that always looks neat and tidy so you can just concentrate on relaxing.

Get some privacy

It’s hard to relax if you can feel you’re being overlooked, so ensure that your garden is suitably private. Tall trees, hedging or screens can protect your space from being seen from the road or by your neighbours. If you want to go a step further you can use plants to create a hidden area within your garden to act as your own private retreat from the world.

Be a rock star

Take a tip from the Japanese (known for their zen gardens) and install a rock garden or some feature boulders. Traditionally they represent islands in a sea and give a real feeling of calm and strength. Smaller rocks, like on a path, are great for adding a tactile element to the garden and give an always-satisfying crunch when you walk on them.

Water world

The sound of running water is incredibly soothing, so install a water feature in the garden. It can be something as small as a tabletop fountain or you can go big with a pond and a waterfall. Just make sure it’s fenced for when the grandkids come by.

Take a seat

You’ll want somewhere comfy to relax and appreciate your beautiful garden. Go for a large day bed or outdoor sofa rather than hard wooden or metal furniture, or you can try a hammock or swing for something a bit more playful. This will give you somewhere to lie back, put your feet up and feel the serenity.

Related links: 

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tips, garden, gardening, lifestyle, Lucy Jones, Peaceful, Home & Garden