Home & Garden

Timesaving tricks for perfectly folded clothes

Laundry. It’s the chore that just keeps on going. And going. Not only do we have to sort, soak, wash and dry, we also need to find the time (and space) to actually fold and put the dry washing away. It’s time consuming and you could definitely be forgiven for wanting to ball everything up and leave it sitting, clean but unsorted, in the laundry basket. Fortunately, there are a few tricks and tips that can make the process that little bit easier. Here are our four favourites:

  1. Always roll your socks – Rolling and tucking your socks is the quickest way to not only store them neatly but also eradicate the “odd sock” dilemma that often crops up when stored differently.
  2. Use a magazine for shirt folding – Your average-sized magazine is the perfect T-shirt/shirt-folding companion due to its edges and sharp corners. Simply place the mag with the top sitting across the neck of your item of clothing and fold over and around. Quick, neat and simple!
  3. Fold and hang your jumpers/winter woolies – Save space and prevent stretch by folding your jumpers over the hanger instead of hanging them by the shoulder.
  4. Store sheets the easy way – Sick of battling with oversized sheets? Keep sets together and make life easier by folding your fitted and flat sheet loosely then placing in the matching pillowcase.

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home, laundry, tips, hacks, guide, Naomi Cotterill