Joel Callen
Home & Garden

How to set up a potting bench

If you are a keen gardener why not consider setting up a potting bench?

Having everything you need at your fingertips is great, and it’s also hugely beneficial to your back and knees as you are able to work without bending over.

You’ll save time as you won’t be lugging tools and soil around the garden, and you won’t waste time looking for gloves or scissors when you need them most.

Can’t stand up for too long? That’s OK – add a comfortable stool to your bench and you can have the option to work sitting down too.

Start with a basic wooden bench and add some shelving above where your supplies can sit.

Consider adding a bin or two

You could add a bin for compost, as well as another bin that could be used as a holder for your soil. Simply cut a hole into your workbench and place the bins underneath for easy access. Or just keep a large bin with a lid next to your bench so that it is within arm’s reach.

Related link: 3 steps to build a herb garden

A place for everything

Ensure that you make a space for everything from seeds (envelopes in drawers or jars work well), small pots (stacked), tools (hung on the sides or back wall), gloves (hang on the side), scissors (consider adding a magnetic strip for metal tools to stick to), towels and rags (on a towel rack on the side), plant food (somewhere safe up high) and string (mount a toilet roll holder on its side and store the string on it).

If you’re the super organised type, you might even consider keeping a calendar on the side of the bench and note down when you planted a particular plant.

Add a little water

If you are able to add a sink, this can be a big time saver. If you are growing vegetables it can be a great spot to wash and trim them. If a sink isn’t an option, you could also try storing the hose nearby or a small watering can. To save even more space, the Masters Home Improvement site sells a 9L collapsible watering can with a hanging loop for less than $15.

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lifestyle, DIY, gardening, Lee Price