Melody Teh
Home & Garden

6 steps to a stain-free carpet

We all know the traumatising, heart-stopping moment when something – a drink, an uncapped pen, a saucy meatball – drops to the carpet. And hey, accidents happen. But that doesn’t change the fact that there’s now a tell-tale stain sitting there, serving as a constant reminder of that time. So we’ve got an incredibly simple guide to getting rid of those offensive stains quicksmart.

Step one – the solution

In a spray bottle, mix a quarter teaspoon dishwashing liquid with one cup of warm water. Make sure your detergent doesn’t have any moisturising ingredients, as these can create extra stains.

Step two – the spray

Lightly spray the stain with the solution. A spray bottle is perfect for this because it allows you to apply the solution without soaking the carpet, backing, padding and floor underneath – which can cause major damage. Use the solution sparingly – you can always add more if you need to.

Step three – the blot

Using a clean cloth or paper towel, gently blot the stained area. Make sure you turn the cloth to a clean surface when it absorbs the stain. If the stain is really deep into the carpet, gently work the solution into the fibres with your fingers. NEVER rub the stain aggressively, as you will distort and untwist the pile, which will cause the stain to spread. Continue to spray and blot until the stain is gone, or it no longer is absorbed into your cloth.

Step four – the spray, round two

Using clear water, lightly spray the carpet to rinse it. With another clean, dry cloth, gently blot the damp area until all traces of your soap solution are gone. Try not to leave any solution behind, as soap will attract more stain-causing agents like dirt.

Step five – the stack

Place a small stack of a few clean paper towels on top of the damp carpet. Use something heavy to weigh them down (a cast iron pot or encyclopaedia). Leave the towels there overnight to absorb any residual stain as the carpet dries. Don’t skip this step, or you may see the stain reappear when the carpet is no longer damp.

Step six – the fluff

After a good 12 hours, remove the towels and give the carpet a light fluff with your fingers. Then you can step back and admire your handwork – aren’t you clever?

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home, tips, cleaning, stains, Carpet