Alex O'Brien
Home & Garden

How to save a dying plant

If you’re the not-so-proud owner of a plant that looks like it needs to go in the bin, try some of our ideas here first.

Get rid of the sad leaves and flowers

Grab your pruning scissors and remove the dead stuff to give the plant a chance to get back on track.

Try a different position

If it’s a potted plant, try a little more or less sun (search online to find the type of plant and what it likes). Both potted plants and those that are in the ground are sensitive to things like wind, other plants, and animals so think about whether a new position might be in order.

Move it to a bigger pot (or plot)

Your plant may be suffering if the pot is too small, or, if in the ground, there may be other plants stifling it. Try giving your plant some more space (and give it some new soil while you’re at it) and see if that livens it up a bit.

Give it some love

Plants need water, that’s for sure, but they also need other nutrients. A visit to the local nursery with a photo of Mr Sad Plant can be really useful, as they may be able to help you diagnose the issue and provide a solution. Your plant might need some manure or a seaweed treatment.

Know your timings

Not all plants live year after year, so you may be trying to revive an annual plant that has passed its life expectancy (for instance, parsley). Other plants hibernate over winter – once again check with your nursery if you’re not sure as they are a great source of advice.  

home, gardening, pot plant