Basmah Qazi
Home & Garden

The city trying to “shame residents” with see-through recycling bins

An Australian council has introduced a new proposal for see-through recycling bins to be rolled out, to help enforce better waste practices on residents.

Councillors in Adelaide believe transparent bins would make those doing the wrong thing feel “rubbish shame”, as well as making it simpler for those who rummage through bins to find empty cans to exchange at bottle depots, according to Adelaide Now.

Adelaide City Councillor Robert Simms expects the see-through bins to keep Adelaide at the top of the leader board when it comes to recycling.

In 1977, South Australia was the first state in the country to implement a container deposit scheme – an initiative that has slowly made its way around the nation.

NT adopted it in 2012, NSW in 2017 and the ACT and QLD in 2018. WA and Tasmania are set to introduce their own program which is set to roll out in 2020 and 2022.

“If we want to encourage behavioural change, I think this is something that will really encourage people to do the right thing … and we have a reputation as a clean, green city,” Mr Simms told Adelaide Now. “In a way, it is kind of naming and shaming.”

His proposition has been backed by Adelaide City councillor Alex Hyde, who said, “I agree with Rob’s idea, and we should rubbish shame people.”

recycling, adelaide, rubbish, environment