Danielle McCarthy
Home & Garden

The disgusting reason why you need to wash your sheets every week

A recent survey has found that the average person changes their sheets once every 24 days, which is not nearly enough.

The MatressAdvisor survey, which interviewed 1,000 people, found that people are becoming lazy when it comes to washing their sheets, with single men being the worst culprits.

On average, a single man will only change their sheets every 45 days.

Married couples were found to refresh their bedding every 20 days and single women washed their sheets every 19 days.

However, microbiologist Philip Tierno revealed why the procrastination of this important chore is much more disgusting than we realise.

Philip explained that when someone sleeps, gravity draws everything into your sheets, such as sweat, dribble, hair and skin cells.

All those things also attract dust mites, who will gladly leave their faeces and parts of their bodies over your dirty bed.

“The environment in that mattress becomes akin to a botanical park," Philip told the New York Post.

“And what happens is, you kick up that material when you toss and turn in bed and you breathe in that material for eight hours or so at night and then you wake up with a stuffy nose or other issues.”

Philip suggests washing your sheets every week and two weeks maximum. He advises that the doona can be done every six months as it is left on top of the bed.

Pillowcases should also be washed every week with your sheets. It is also important not to forget your actual display pillowcase, which can be washed every six months. To wash without damaging them, wash them on a warm and gentle cycle and then lay them in the sun to dry.

How often do you wash your bed sheets? Let us know in the comments below. 

Sheets, Wash, reasons, microbiologist, every, week, Disgusting