Charlotte Foster
Home & Garden

The ultimate living room cleaning guide

The living room is our go-to space for relaxing and socialising with friends and family – but first, let’s make sure it’s clean! And we’re ready to go beyond clearing clutter and fluffing pillows. This extensive living room cleaning guide will help you freshen up every inch from top to bottom.

Living room cleaning tips

Like the kitchen, the living room is a magnet for family clutter. So before you even pick up a dust cloth, grab a basket and clear out all the items that don’t belong. Then, organise your cleaning tasks from top to bottom. Start with dusting ceiling fixtures and window blinds, and leave the rug and flooring for last.

When you’re finished, it’s time to light a new scented candle and relax.

Living room cleaning tools

Cleaning the living room involves a lot of dusting and vacuuming, and the right cleaning products will make all the difference. Here are our favourite tools to get the job done:

Magic erasers:  even stubborn wall marks are no match for these.

Upright swivel bagless vacuum: this vac works great on both hard and soft floors.

White vinegar: you’ll be using vinegar in several cleaning mixtures. It’s effective yet gentle on all living room surfaces.

How to clean blinds

If there is a lot of dust build-up on your blinds, vacuum first. Close the blinds completely, and drag a horse hair vacuum attachment across the entire length. Then close the blinds the opposite way and repeat.

Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bucket or other container.

Use a microfibre cloth to wipe down the blinds with the mixture. You can also put your hand inside a sock.

How to clean a ceiling fan 

The best way to clean a dusty ceiling fan is with an old pillowcase. Standing on a ladder, wipe each fan blade by gently dragging it inside the pillowcase. All the dust will be caught in the pillowcase, avoiding a mess on the floor.

Wipe the remaining dust or grime with a microfibre cloth dipped in a mixture of equal parts vinegar and water.

If there is a light fixture attached to the fan, wipe it with the vinegar and water mixture, then do a final polish with a glass cleaner.

How to clean walls and wall decor

Use a magic eraser to get rid of any scuff marks on the wall.

Wipe down all the walls and skirting boards with a microfibre cloth and a mixture of vinegar and water.

Use the same cloth and mixture to gently wipe the tops of picture frames and other wall decor where dust likes to settle.

How to clean upholstered furniture

Remove all the lounge and chair cushions and vacuum. Remove any items that have fallen under the cushions (there will be a treasure trove if you have kids!). Then vacuum up the remaining crumbs and debris with a vacuum attachment.

In a spray bottle mix 1/4 cup vinegar, 3/4 warm water and 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid. Mist the mixture on all the cushions (both sides!) and armrests, then wipe with a microfibre cloth.

Let the cushions dry, then replace them on the lounge.

For leather furniture, use a mixture of 2 parts white vinegar with 1 part olive oil in a spray bottle and shake well. (You can also add a few drops of essential oil for fragrance.)

How to dust furniture 

Remove all items like lamps and decorative accessories from your end tables, coffee table and any other hard surfaced furniture.

Use a damp microfibre cloth (microfibre traps dust rather than just moving it around) and wipe down all the furniture.

Use the same cloth to wipe down lamps and accessories before returning them to the tables.

To remove a water stain, apply a white, non-gel toothpaste to a soft cloth and rub it in a circular motion. Then, wipe clean with a damp cloth.

How to clean TV and media equipment

Make sure your devices are turned off and cool before you start cleaning.

Wipe away dust and loose dirt with a dry microfibre cloth. (Don’t forget the back of the TV, which gets super dusty.)

Spot-clean smudges with moist wipes designed for electronics.

How to clean the living room floor

Vacuum both your hard and soft floors (sweeping just moves the dust around).

For a carpet or rug deodoriser, mix 2 cups of baking soda with 10 drops of essential oil like lemon or lavender. Sprinkle the mixture on the carpet, then vacuum it up.

Tackle any stains with this miracle carpet cleaner or mix a DIY carpet cleaner with 2 to 3 teaspoons of mild dishwashing liquid and 4 litres of warm water.

Mop hard floors with a mixture 4 litres of hot water, 1 cup of vinegar and 1 drop of dishwashing liquid. Squeeze your mop thoroughly before starting; your mop should be damp but not wet.

Daily living room cleaning tasks

Now that you’ve thoroughly cleaned your living room, here’s how to keep it clean. These daily tasks will keep your space tidy and ready for guests even if your next weekly cleaning is a few days away.

Clear away clutter at the end of every day. Put everything that doesn’t belong in one big basket, then walk around the house with your basket to put items in their rightful spot.

Fluff pillows and fold throw blankets.

Straighten lounge cushions.

Locate the TV remote and any gaming remotes, and put them back where they belong.

How to deep-clean your living room

These deep cleaning tasks only need to be done once every couple of months, but your living room will thank you!

Remove curtains and launder.

Remove throw pillow covers and couch cushion covers, if they’re removable, and wash in the washing machine.

Clean windows both inside and out.

Thoroughly shampoo your carpet and rugs with a rented carpet cleaner.

Dust the ceiling using a vacuum extension, or reach the area by securing a microfibre cloth over the bristles of a broom.

Image credits: Getty Images

This article originally appeared on Reader's Digest.

home & garden, cleaning, living room, guide