Joel Callen
Home & Garden

8 things you shouldn’t (but do) keep in the fridge

For many people, the fridge is the default place to store all manner of foods. The truth is though that many items are much happier stored elsewhere.

Today we look at some specific items you actually shouldn’t keep in your fridge.

Potatoes and sweet potatoes

These starchy veggies are much happier in a cool dry place (such as your pantry or a drawer in your kitchen). In the fridge their texture can be compromised as the cool air turns their starches to sugar more quickly. Take them out of any plastic bags to help them breathe and avoid them rotting.


The cold air in the refrigerator stops the tomatoes from ripening, and this affects both the taste and the texture. Instead, keep them in a bowl on your counter top. Having them in sight also helps to remind you to eat them before they go bad.


The fridge halts the ripening process of avocadoes, so they’re best to sit on the counter or in your fruit bowl. However if you have only used half of an avocado and want to store it for later use, it’s best kept in the fridge inside a ziplock bag to keep the air out (which causes it to go brown).


Many people store their coffee in the fridge assuming it keeps it fresher. In fact, the fridge can cause coffee to lose its flavour.  Coffee tends to act as a sponge and will end up taking on some of the odours of the fridge. It’s best kept somewhere cool and dry like your pantry cupboard.

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Did you know that honey is a food that almost never goes off if stored somewhere cool and dark? If you keep honey in the fridge it tends to go hard and crystallised, so it’s best kept in the pantry.


The fridge dries bread out, making it taste stale. Bread is best kept in a bread bin or a cool cupboard. If you are worried you aren’t going to be able to finish a loaf in time, consider freezing half of it in an airtight bag.


Many people automatically pop a whole watermelon or rockmelon in the fridge to store it. In fact, melon should reside on the counter top until ready to slice. Once cut, it should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge.


If you keep your onions in the fridge they will get mouldy more quickly than they would in a cool dry place such as the bottom of your pantry cupboard. Keep them separate to your potatoes, though, as they will both turn bad faster if kept together. 

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home, tips, food, kitchen, fridge, Lee Price