Home & Garden

8 little tips to help you clean the house faster

Save time and hassle on your cleaning with these nifty shortcuts. Because after all, everyone should be spending as much time as possible kicking back with a cup of tea and enjoying time with loved ones.

1. When cleaning, start at the top (think fans, shelves, cabinets) and work your way down to the floor. This way all of the dust will make its way to the floor, which you can remove as the final job.

2. If you live in a two-storey house, keep another bucket of cleaning supplies up there. It will make it much easier to clean up there if you don’t have to lug everything up there each time.

3. Load your dishwasher with unloading in mind. That means putting all of the forks together in one compartment, all of the spoons together, and all of the knives in another section. When it’s time to unstuck the cutlery you won’t need to spend time sorting through it.

4. Let your microwave do the cleaning for you. Heat up a mug of water and lemon juice for three minutes. Leave for five minutes before wiping the inside of the microwave with a paper towel. Any residue or baked on food should come right off.

5. Give your surface spray a chance to work. Give your bench or table a spray and leave it for 10 minutes while you get on with other jobs. By the time you come back to wipe up, it will work much more efficiently.

6. There’s no need to spend time scrubbing your stovetop to remove spilled food. Soak a cloth in hot soapy water and place it over the stain for 10 minutes before wiping clean.

7. If you need to move everything off a table to clean it, place everything on a tray instead of moving it all separately.

8. When cleaning a floor, start at the furthest point away from the door. That way you will avoid leaving any footprints on your clean floor. 

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home, tips, cleaning, Lee Price, Hints