Melody Teh

Conversations you should NOT have on your first date

While honesty is always the best policy, there are some conversations that are best avoided on the first date. It’s not that you should lie – if the conversations comes up then of course, talk openly - but there are just some topics that you shouldn’t bring up until you know where the relationship is going. The first date is about learning about the other person, seeing if you click and if you two have the all-important chemistry. Here are four conversations that are best avoided until a few dates in.

Past relationships

This is one of the most common mistakes! It seems obvious but with a few glasses of wine at dinner there is often an inexplicable urge to talk about past relationships. Whether it’s good, bad or even neutral, just don’t bring it up! It will make your date wonder if you’re ready for a new relationship.


While money is an important conversations to have in serious relationships, it’s not a topic to bring up on a first date. Don’t talk about how much you earn, ask how much they earn or mention spending habits or debts. It may set up a perception that all you care about is money.

The future

You’re on the date and it’s going so well – there’s a spark, there’s a connection and there’s great conversation. It may be tempting to daydream about the future but this is the first date. Even if there is a strong connection, being too forward and keen can scare people away.

Personal problems

Remember your date doesn’t really know you so avoid bringing up any personal problems. Topics like fights, illnesses and redundancies are too heavy for a first date where you should be having fun. Even if completely legitimate it may come across as complaining and whining – after all, your date doesn’t know much about you! 

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