Melody Teh

Why dating in your 60s is better than any other age

For many getting back into the dating game can be a daunting prospect. Maybe you’ve had a few bad dates and are despairing over the prospects or you feel like you’re out of practice – after all, it’s been a while since you last dated. But if you think dating is just for the young people it’s not! Funnily enough, dating when you have a few decades of experience under your belt offers you many advantages over the young ones. Here are just seven reasons to embrace it.

1. The pressure is off– When you’re younger there’s an expectation that you need to get married, have children and do it soon. Well, you’ve probably been there and done that! Dating now means the pressure is off and there’s no need to rush into a relationship.

2. With experience comes confidence – The older you get the more self-assured and confident you become. Remember the insecurities of dating in your teens and 20s? There’s none of that now. You know what you want and you’re not afraid to ask for it (or tell someone to leave).

3. You’ve learnt from past relationships – Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me. You know not to fall into old traps or the warning signs. You know yourself better, you know others better and you’ll be able to tell if you’ve got a good one or not.

4.More financial freedom – Remember scraping together some coins for a date? You’ve worked for years, you can now graduate from

5. You know what’s important – In our younger years, we may have been swayed by factors like physical appearance and type of job but by the time we’ve reached our 60s and beyond, you know what are the important things to make a relationship work.

6. You know who you are – Time and experience means you know who you are, what your values are and what you won’t stand for.

7. You’re independent – You’re not going to be depending on someone else to “complete” you. It makes for a healthier relationship when you’re not co-dependent. 

dating, relationships, Sixties