Georgia Dixon

Loved-up great-grandpa becomes Instagram star

Instagram is not known for being the most genuine place on the Internet, with many users sharing heavily-edited, highly-idealised shots of their life. However, one UK man is making the image sharing platform a more positive place to be, posting photo after adorable photo of his wife, accompanied by the sweetest captions you’ll ever read.

Geoffrey Walker, a great-grandfather from Leicestershire, is using Instagram to prove to younger, social media-obsessed generations that true love really does exist. The loving husband and his gorgeous photos of wife Pauline, who have been married for 65 years, went viral after a Twitter user stumbled upon his profile and encouraged others to take a look.

“This old man I know always posts [photos] of his wife and they're so sweet bless him,” Lauren Skell wrote. Days (and hundreds of thousands of likes and retweets) later, Geoffrey’s Instagram following has exploded to 15,000 people.

“65 years ago today at Bagworth Church and still going strong,” he captioned their wedding photo.

“I love that girl,” he wrote on another.

“Pauline as stunning today as she was at sixteen,” the loved-up great-grandpa gushed.

If you’d like to bring a little more love into your life, click here to see the rest of Geoffrey’s touching photos and tell us in the comments below, have you ever experienced a love like this?

Image credit: @geoffreywalk/Instagram.

love, relationships, grandpa, Instagram, Wife, great-grandfather