Tips on how to be alone (and enjoy it)
First of all, let’s clear up a common societal misconception: being alone doesn’t equate to being lonely, although, much of the time the two words are used interchangeably. However, there’s no denying that being alone often carries a social stigma – it’s assumed that a person isn’t alone by choice and even that there is something wrong with someone that remains alone. In a world that places so much importance on finding love and being part of a couple, it can be hard to be alone. So for anyone who’s sick of having to explain why they are happy to be alone, let’s celebrate being alone and relish the little joys that come with solitude. Here are just four reasons why being alone should be embraced, not feared.
1.You don’t need anyone else
Remember that you are a valuable, important and amazing person that doesn’t need someone else to be happy, secure or “complete”. Also, you don’t need the approval of other people for that to be true. Remember that when people assume that just because you’re alone you must be lonely – this is not true. Loneliness implies that you are looking for someone or something that you feel you need in order to be happy but if you don’t feel that, then you’re not lonely. You just like your solitude.
2. Know yourself better
When you’re alone, you drop your “social guard.” You have the time and freedom to be introspective, explore your inner world and ultimately know yourself better. There is so much to be gained when you know that you can rely and trust yourself. We are often swayed by outside opinions especially from the people who love us most, but when you trust yourself to solve problems, you become a much more stronger and confident person.
3. Understand different types of relationships
Once we gain a better understanding of who we are and what we want in life, you gain a greater understanding and appreciation of all the different types relationships in your life – and what role each of these play in your life.
4. Follow your passions
Being in a relationship takes work! It involves time, compromise and sometimes, sacrifice. But if you’re on your own, then you have the freedom to be “selfish” and make no compromises. Take advantage of this freedom to do what you want to do. Take a course, plan a holiday and follow your passions and dreams. Not many people are afforded that opportunity.
Related links:
Why you should “date” yourself first
The highs and lows of singledom
How to help your friend find love