Melody Teh

I contacted my dead husband through a medium

Anne Roddick, 76, was sceptical at first, but when she sought out her first ever medium, she was surprised to find herself speaking to her husband, who had passed away a year earlier.

Bill, my husband of 50 years passed on 20th June, 2011, after years of ill health. I, of course, felt the loneliness terrible. About 10 months after his death I started getting a message, saying “I want to talk”, coming out of sleep. This lasted every morning for three weeks until I got angry and decided to put an end to this nonsense and seek my first ever medium and my first contact with that side of life.

I found what I was looking for in a very nice older lady and had my first ever reading. I went into it convinced I was wasting my time and money, and sure nothing would happen. But in the medium’s room, my husband was waiting with my dad, who had passed many years ago. They both started to talk, taking in turns like musical chairs. I borrowed a piece of paper and pen from the medium and started to quickly jot down all I could.

Both men talked about my life in the UK, Africa, and Germany, which was years before we had immigrated to Australia. I was starting to believe. How could an Australian medium who had never been to UK ever know about my life? As I said I had no contact with that side of life before, and was not even sure if I believed in that sort of thing! So I was very curious and asked for a second sitting.

This was the start of weekly sittings, and as I had a lot of experience with video cameras and making DVDs so I started filming our readings and putting them on DVDs to enable me to transcribe word for word our conversations.

On the 5th April 2016 we celebrated our fourth anniversary – four years of talking and healing each other. We now share what we do in our lives, we laugh and tease each other and our readings are as important to him as they are to me. Although a one hour reading now takes me three to four days each week to transcribe (I have well over 3,000 pages of his talking), this has been the most wonderful and happy experience for me. My husband has also brought all my family through, so it’s like a talking family tree and wonderful to know they are all well and working very hard at their duties. The icing on the cake was when he brought through my twin sister, who passed when we were 18 months old in Scotland. She told me, “Apart from Bill when you return home I will be waiting for you and we will be together again.”

I know there are many people who have a fear of the afterlife, and so many spend their years in grief. I hope the story of Bill and my healing, our grief will give help and hope to others. I am 76 years old now and hope my love affair with my husband continues for always.

Have you made contact with the other side before? Share your experience in the comments below.

If you have a story to share please get in touch at

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family, relationships, marriage, medium, Community contributor, After life