
Joy as wedding ring finds its way to avalanche victim's widow

A woman in Melbourne who lost her "adventurous" husband in an avalanche six years ago has been reunited with his wedding ring after she lost it in a park.

Sally Buckland's husband Marty was killed by an avalanche that came down the Victorian Alps in 2014.

She wore the ring around her neck but the chain broke in the park on Thursday and lost it.

"I did kinda just panic as it's something I feel so connected to, something I always said I would pass on to our little boy when I'm older," Ms Buckland told 9News.

She made a desperate plea to the community but in a stroke of luck, a young couple saw the flyers on the walk and found the ring.

"It was really nice to find something for someone," Victoria Kuczera told 9News.

"These things never get found usually."

Sally is thrilled with the return of the ring.

"It's got new meaning to it now," Ms Buckland said.

"It symbolizes to me what this community would do to help me get it back."

Photo credits: 9News

9news, ring, wedding ring, avalanche