
Old-school dating lessons you SHOULD teach your grandkids

With years of life experience, you, the Over60 community have learned a thing or two when it comes to love and relationships. In this new modern world of dating, sometimes it’s best to go back to good old-fashioned dating advice. We asked and you, the Over60 community, were more than happy to share the relationship wisdom you’d like to pass on to the next generation and beyond. Without further adieu, here it is…

“Talk to each other. Never assume you know what each other thinks – you may have it wrong (although you become more in tune as time goes by). Don't be too quick about making a judgement. Love is nurtured.”– Beverley Jackson

“Definitely get to know one another and be sure there are no secrets from the past. Share the same goals and remain true to one another.” – Zee Ma

“Watch out for the liars. If you are lied to early on in a relationship you can be assured this will be a continuing pattern. Also, look at the family relationships – if they are good you are on a winner. Other than that, live, love, share, and be willing to forgive and move on.” – Kaye Campbell

“Be yourself and don’t feel you have to compromise. Sometimes true love can take a long time to arrive and the best that can be said of your past failed relationships is that they help you recognise it when it does.” – Claire Beck

“Be honest to each other, don't break your trust in one another and show your love to your partner with something thoughtful every day, even if it’s just saying ‘l love you.’” – Wendy Taylor

“If you find someone who can make you laugh then he or she is a keeper!” – Les Trish Eden

“Never go to sleep on an argument; always talk it through.” – Kathleen Quinton

“Never use the word ‘love’ unless you really mean it. Care for and respect your partner’s feelings.” –Kerry Phillips

“First love is the hardest to get over but when you least expect it someone will come into your life. As the old saying goes, you need to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince.” – Elaine Miller

“Don't go looking for love, enjoy your life, there's no pressure these days to find love and get married. It will find you.” – Helen Rosemary Byrne

“Don't go into marriage expecting a fairy tale because it isn’t. There will be good times but the secret is to stick together when the going gets tough and always be true to each other.” – Jenny Poole

“Believe in what your family and closest friends say about the person. Love is a strange thing, blinding us to faults and downsides to a person’s personality so LISTEN to your dearest friends and family.” – Rose Niemack

“Just enjoy yourself. If it doesn't work out don't blame yourself, just pick yourself up and try again. There is someone out there for all of us.” – Margaret Nice

“First and foremost get to know one another as friends. That’s so important.” – Judith Edwards

 “When you meet, be honest about your likes and dislikes. Don't tell him you like something like football just because he says he likes it. It will only cause problems down the track.” – Lyn Hosking

“Observe how his or her parents’ interact – they are the role models.” – Lisa Drury Hudson

“Believe half of what they say and all of what they do.” – Charmian Pearson

“Always remember what it was that the other did, or said, that sparked your interest in the first place. Remember what took your breath away. Never compromise to the point that you compromise yourself. It is ok to agree to disagree.” – Mary Davey

“It's always worth waiting for the ‘real thing.’” – Penny Reilly Author

dating, love, relationships, lifestyle, Community contributor