Simple tips to get you back in the dating game
If you're thinking that you might want to start dating but don't have the energy, or you're a little intimidated by it all, these thoughts might just be the gentle push you need.
Don’t get too bogged down by the rules and guidelines
You might be scared off dating because you think there are countless rules and guidelines in which you have to follow. The truth is, you can make it as complicated or easy as you like. If you find the "rules" off-putting, well don't follow them. Take it one step at a time and approach dating as you would making new friends.
Look for positive inspirations
While there may be some dating horror stories out there - everyone knows someone who has a shocker to tell - there are some beautiful stories, too. Focus on the good dating and love stories you hear and use them as your inspiration.
Keep it light
One of the reasons some people find dating overwhelming is because you can get lost in the details. Approach dating as if you are looking for new friends who share common interests. Take it slow and make sure it's about having fun - this is bound to take the pressure off.
Don’t depend on others
Don't wait for others to introduce you to people; instead, get out there and look for like-minded people yourself. The best place to start is within your own community - sports centers, any groups you belong to, your local coffee shop or any other places you regularly visit.
Always be your happy, go-lucky self
It requires a lot of energy to be someone you're not, so don't do it. Always be yourself. Plus, always give off positive vibes - no one likes a downer. Also, you just never know when you are going to meet someone so always be nice and happy and you just don't know when you could run into some special!