Michelle Reed

5 tips to get back into dating after 60

Are you looking for love but feeling a tad intimidated by the thought of dating? You’re not alone, it can be daunting to get back into dating when you’ve been out of practice. Here are five simple pointers to help you along in your journey for love.

1. Give yourself a pep talk

When you have been out of the dating game for a while it’s natural to feel anxious or worried about the whole dating process. But remember one of the advantages of being an over60 is the self-knowledge, confidence and wisdom that comes with age. Embrace your great qualities and remind yourself that someone would be lucky to get to know you!

2. Be honest about what you want

Know what you want from a new partner. If you’re looking for love, be honest and if you’re just looking for a companion, tell them. You don’t want to inadvertently lead someone on or waste time on developing a relationships that won’t go anywhere.

3. Consider online dating

There are horror stories out there but stick to reputable sites and you’ll find online dating is a great way to expand your network and meet other likeminded seniors.

4. Let friends and family set you up

Who better knows you then your friends and family? Your social circle may be best able to help you find someone as they know you and they know what you’re looking for.  

5. Be cautious but open to new possibilities

Unfortunately there are bad people out there who will look to exploit vulnerable people looking for love. Be cautious and trust your instincts to sense if anything is “off”. However, don’t let fear and worry stop you from exploring new possibilities. While there are bad apples out there, there are plenty of goods ones too.

Related links:

Confessions of an online dater

11 cheeky couples who prove love only gets better with age

7 unexpected places to meet someone

dating, love, relationships, marriage