Melody Teh

What over-60 women want

Throughout eternity many a man has pondered what do women want. It was even the premise for Hollywood rom-com What Women Want. Short of waking up one day magically being able to hear women’s thought as Mel Gibson did in the film, the easiest option is to ask women themselves! We did just that and surveyed the ladies of our Over60 community and found out exactly what they look for in men, what they want out of a relationship and importantly, what makes them happy. It’s no great mystery, lads, you’ll find that over 60 ladies are just looking for a partner in life.

The ladies overwhelmingly agreed, looks do not matter at all. For Helen Hunt, it’s about “good company, humour and honesty” and for Judith Williams, “mutual respect, someone to laugh with and someone who won’t sweat the small stuff!” Lynley Brighting says she’s “looking for a gentleman who can laugh and love; be a shoulder to cry on when life has hiccups and a cuddle to make it easier.”

Jen Campbell has boiled it all down to three A’s and three C’s: “Appreciation, attention and affection. Chemistry, communication and compatibility.”

Many of our ladies want a man who still enjoys life in their sixties and beyond.

Gwendalyn Wallace says it’s all about being a kid at heart: “Kind, friendly, loving, enjoys similar interests to mine and only acts their age when their kids are around.”

These women have no time for “grumpy old men”.

Verity Anne Newton says she wants a man who is “considerate of others, has a sense of humour, happy and kind AND enjoys life. Moaning, groaning, complaining, rudeness and miserable men turn me off.”

Ethne Kruger wholeheartedly agrees, “Not into grumpy, negative and stuck in a rut types who have allowed life to pass them by.” She wants a “youthful attitude, great sense of humour, honest, sincere and positive.”

And for over 60 ladies in particular, it’s about finding a bloke who can accept their age.

Elizabeth Purkis says, “Honesty, trust and the ability to accept that older women are still beautiful inside despite the war wounds.”

Lynne Hutchings wants “good company lots of laughs and total acceptance of the fact we are getting older but still love to live and laugh.”

While in the past there was an expectation that it was the woman’s duty to look after the man, these days it’s about an equal workload.

Gloria Rogerson comments, “I've found that men over 60 often want a home provider which is sad because women over 60 are over providing a home. They want a likeminded companion.”

Magdalen Steele agrees that her ideal man would “cook, clean-up and all the things women used to do.” Elizabeth Gardner says she likes “polite, honest men who dress nicely and look after themselves. I do not want someone who wants ME to look after them.”

Carolyn Gamble notes she is tired of seeing on men’s online dating profiles that “he likes candlelit dinners and walking on the beach etc. because they think that is what women want. Most women are aware that the reality is that men would rather sit in front of the telly with takeaway fish and chips.” For her part, she just wants a “bloke with a sense of humour and who is not afraid to do the dishes!”

Anne Hill puts it best when she says, “I would like someone to compliment my life, not complicate it.” Anne also has an apt reminder for all over 60s out there looking for love.

“I also believe that we are all responsible for our own happiness. Don't forget to have a beautiful life while you are on your search for a happy relationship.” 

women, dating, love, relationships