Melody Teh

What your horoscope really says about love

Do you love checking your star sign each day? Do you like to see what you’re set to face be it the personal, professional and romantic lives in the upcoming week? But what does it all mean? We spoke to Alison Moroney, a professional astrologer with more than thirty years’ experience, to find out more. Her astrological columns reach more than 1 million people across Australia and New Zealand through the Rural Press group. Here Alison explains how stars signs and love are related.

Horoscopes help astrologers decode life, love and relationships

Horoscopes are a map of key celestial bodies and points at any given moment in time. The interpretation of those charts in the hands of an astrologer can provide good advice on the cause of problems in relationships, for example, strengths and incompatibilities, whether the relationship has the capacity to last, and psychological insights.

Star sign compatibility

At the most basic level, earth and water signs are compatible with each other, and fire and air signs are compatible with each other.  

The groups are:

Air - Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Fire - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Water - Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Earth - Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

However, much depends upon the interplanetary connections between the two charts. It is all about scale: star signs are low detail indicators, whilst individual chart comparisons are far more detailed and insightful. One is like looking at a general map of Australia, the other is like looking at a street map of your local neighbourhood on Google Earth.

Perfect match

I believe that matching up star signs certainly helps when it comes to love. Decision-making is always a 50/50 proposition; better decisions result from informed decision-making processes. Firstly, I believe it is important to know and understand yourself, as well as your potential partner (this is also true of platonic relationships as well).  

However, if the two individuals are not compatible then no amount of knowing is going to fix the problem – best to move on. Relationships require good communication, love, respect for each other, understanding, and effort to maintain the relationship in order to be successful. If those ingredients are only present on one side or totally absent, the relationship will experience major problems (true for all ages). However, as mature age individuals, we should be more aware of what makes a relationship work. Ingrained behavioural problems will complicate matters, and looking at astrological charts assists in reaching an understanding whether a relationship is viable or not. General star signs are a first step in this direction. 

Star signs, characteristics and relationship compatibility

Star signs are a mathematical abstraction of positions within the celestial sphere, based on the March equinox. They have been used in astrology to categorise people into general personality traits, and are used by predictive astrologers to generalise predictive trends for those groups of people. However, as previously stated interplanetary aspects play a more significant role in indicating personality traits, long with positions of planets in particular parts of the horoscope.

All humans need love. The planet Venus is associated with love, and a prominently placed and well-aspect Venus will be indicative of a kind and loving person. However, good communications are important in relationships, in which case aspects to Mercury need to be considered. For respect and commitment, Saturn is the planetary indicator, along with lunar nodes and ascendant signs. This is just the tip of the iceberg when looking at characteristics and relationship compatibility.

For more detail on personality, you can have a look at some good astrological books. My experience tells me that the sidereal zodiac is a better indicator of personality over tropical astrology. For a definition of the two take a look here

To find out more, visit Alison’s astrology website here.

dating, Horoscopes, Astrology, Star signs