Sahar Mourad

Why men should always pay on the first date

A break-up lawyer has sparked debate by saying men should always pay for the first date.

Justin Lee took to TikTok to explain why men should always pay on the first date - as that person could be the person you are going to marry.

He explained that the amount of money the date costs is not the problem, but rather that the person sitting in front of them is blindly allowing a stranger to pay for them without offering.

“The issue is when we end up with someone who has this real sense of entitlement, like this expectation that we will pay. That’s why we must always pay,” he begins.

“Your date, whoever that is, may very well be the person you end up marrying. And trust me when I say, as a divorce lawyer, who you end up marrying is so, so important.

“So let’s say at the end of the date you pull out your wallet and offer your pay and your date just sits there expecting you to pay as if that is the obvious course of action

“At that moment, what did you just learn? You learned that the person in front of you is entitled and has the audacity to expect a near stranger to pay for them.

“Then imagine how that person could end up treating their significant other, their spouse for a low cost of $20/30 or $40.

“You learned that the person in front of you does not have the basic courtesy to pretend to offer to pay and therefore you should never go on another date with them.”

The video, which has raked in more than 540,000 views, sparked a debate in the comment section with many saying the men should pay for the first date regardless. 

“If that man lets you pay on the first date.. ladies…. Imagine what being married to him for the rest of your life will be,” one comment read.

“Ladies should really be selective when dating. If he is crying over a $30 date then he isn’t financially stable and shouldn’t be dating,” another person wrote.

“That’s fine - someone who invites me out and expects me to offer on *their* invite has zero manners and probably wouldn’t make a great husband,” someone else commented.

Justin however had to reiterate his position in the comment section, explaining that many people misunderstood the video and was not gender based.

He explained that “The issue is when women perceive the payment as an obligation as opposed to a kind gesture. Entitled vs Appreciative. No one owes anybody anything!”

Images: TikTok

Justin Lee, break up lawyer, relationships, dating, husband, wife, TikTok