How I feel about becoming a “senior citizen”

Sue McGrath, 72, is embarking on her first ever solo adventure since her husband of 42 years passed away.
I don’t really know when I became aware that I’m now classed as ‘old’. It’s just something that crept up on me. I’ve been going grey since I was in my 30s and have always embraced my salt and pepper colouring as my mother was the same. I’m now approaching my 73rd birthday this year, almost completely grey and love it and have never coloured my hair once. It’s just me. Can’t change what’s happening and who would I be fooling anyway? And I keep my hair neatly and regularly cut in short style that suits me.
As for the rest of me? Well, on the outside I’m now a “senior citizen”, but on the inside I’m still young. Love my rock ‘n roll music – up loud, and the music of Frank Sinatra, Rod Stewart, John Farnham, Errol Garner, Carole King and many more. Love to sing along with songs that I’ve known all my life. I can frequently be caught dancing around the kitchen. Love driving with the windows down, iPod up and pedal to the metal. I try to keep my mind active with improving my computer skills, reading a lot and being aware of what’s happening out there in the world. The lines on my face are from smiling and laughing – nothing to do with age.
Since my husband of 42 years passed away in 2008, I have been on my own – and that takes some getting used to. Still don’t like the aloneness and not having my backstop to bounce my ideas with. We were a team together through all those years of bringing up family, business together and all that goes with being married. Hate eating alone in a restaurant. Miss him.
But life goes on and so I moved from Sydney to the Gold Coast to be near my grandchildren, but after almost two years I am selling up and moving back to somewhere within two hours of Sydney. Need the four seasons again and can’t live with the heat and humidity. Gave it a try but it didn’t work. I’ll just start again. It was not a mistake – merely an incorrect decision.
However, I have caught the travel bug and have been overseas on trips that my husband and I often spoke about but never got to do together. I have taken him with me each time, wherever I have visited. Just recently did the USA for a five-week trip including Route 66 from Chicago to Las Vegas in a Red Mustang. I have promised myself to re-visit Italy and to walk Venice on my own for two weeks. It is such a heavenly historical place.
So I move forward, towards I know not what, but with a positive attitude that whatever happens, happens. I just have to embrace it. That’s life: Live. Love. Laugh and Keep Smiling.
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