Charlotte Foster
Retirement Life

Readers respond: As you get older, what's something that becomes increasingly annoying?

We asked our readers what is one thing that gets increasingly annoying with age, and the response was overwhelming.

From bad manners and respect issues, to general ailments and the state of the world, here's what grinds your gears as you age. 

Barbara Carroll - Having lunch with friends when families with small children let them run around and others sit smiling while the children scream.

What makes them think we want to listen to them? Just take them home until they can behave.

Aileen May - People who, when I tell them I am hard of hearing and ask them please to speak slowly and clearly, get annoyed and gabble more quickly, but very loudly. Grrrr.

Glenda Crowley - That l am constantly tired so easily when l once had heaps of get up and go.

Sue Jaynes - Knocking down our beautiful original bungalows and replacing them with 2 or more soulless, common-looking boxes (houses), with no room for their cars or yards for their kids. 

Jodie Barras - My lack of energy. I could tackle the world, but get very tired now.

Lucy Dix - People who know you are deaf but speak behind your back and then get annoyed because you ask them to repeat themselves!

Josephine Johnston - Self serve checkouts!! Hate them!

Kath Hughes - Affected and inauthentic speaking voices on TV and radio. It seems that if somebody is unfortunate enough to have poor diction, phoney accent and an unpleasant timbre to their voice, they’ve got a gig as a commentator or reporter.

Jennie Rennie - The only thing I can think of that annoys me as I get older is people complaining when they have so many wonderful advantages in their life that younger people don't.

Also people who prefer to complain rather than comment on positive things and show gratitude and compassion for others.

Vicki Mundy - Celebrates who think they are experts on everything.They should stick to entertainment.

Jan Burt - People who only do text messages, what happened to a human voice on the end of the line?

Julia Metcalfe - Having to take off my glasses off and on hundred times a day.

Christine Bache - Being addressed by my christian name, by people on the phone who have never met me. Especially if they're trying to sell something.

David Birkett - People in general. 

Matthew Welsh - To me the most annoying thing is missing conversations,I know I'm half deaf, frustrating for all.

Lesley Jemesen - Bad grammar! I can understand the odd slip up when speaking but not when it is written.

Jack Robertson - Walking into the shed too get something & when I get there, not remembering what it was.

Garda Cummins Ne Kroes - Not being able to speak directly to people in business any more. Press 1 for this 2 for this etc then put your password and user number in then being put on on hold for ever.

Jan Bradley - Everything being online, not all older people either don’t have a computer or if they do are not up with the technology.

Lee Blanchard - Grumpy old people who can't see the fun side of things.

Les Eather - When the neighbours play music loud and it’s lousy music I can’t dance to.

Jennifer Pearen - When I forget to put another bottle of wine in the fridge to chill for 5pm.

Image credits: Getty Images

retirement life, readers respond, annoying, ageing