Readers respond: What advice did your grandparents give to you that you remember best?

We asked our readers to think back to a time their grandparents gave them some of the best advice they still remember today.
From looking for the good in everyone, tucking in your singlet, and never trusting your fart.
Here are some of your answers.
Peter Laing - My Gran had a saying: The wise old owl sat in the oak. The more he listened the less he spoke. The less he spoke the more he heard. We should all be like that wise old bird.
Gail Keeb - My dad's mum always said "Spend less than you make!".
Elsie Miller - If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well.
Kerri Anderson - My grandmother gave me two important pieces of advice on aging - never walk past a toilet and never trust a fart!
Laraine Fields - My Nana told me that there was some good in everyone and to look for that.
Janice Grove - If you cannot say anything nice, say nothing.
Susan Buckett - Always wear clean underwear when you go out, in case you have an accident.
Tracey Burns Kitchingham - Some things are better left unsaid…My grandmother was a very wise woman.
Pam Leonard - Always leave a place better than the way you found it. No good being so heavenly good that you’re no earthly use.
Kylie Jane McCauley - Always keep a little cash aside for a rainy day. You never know when a storm might blow in.
Peter Hulthen - Respect your elders. Help the less fortunate.
Sue Casey - Life is too long to be unhappy.
To leave a memory of your own, or to check out more of the inspiring responses head here.
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