Rizna Mutmainah
Retirement Life

Readers Respond: What was normal when you were a kid, but you never see anymore?

We all love reminiscing about our past, and many of us have similar experiences growing up.

Most of our readers shared the same sentiment: their love for being able to play outside without a care.

Take a trip down memory lane through looking back on your shared childhood experiences, that you believe kids nowadays don’t do.

Claude Courtier - Children playing from dawn to dusk in the street unsupervised.

Sheila Eddy- Children having fun outside all day, came home to eat and out again.

Alan Smith- Picking mushrooms from paddocks.

Sheree Tayler - Going to the local deli with your 50c and choosing the lollies you want to fill up a paper lolly bag. The lollies would all be displayed in a glass cabinet and they were either 1c, 2c or 5c. Then you’d ride off happily on your Indi 500 bike with your friends to your local park to eat them.

Eric Pasquill- Playing outside, making mud pies, sailing leaves and sticks down the gutters after rain

Dora Chisari- Playing outside with kids that lived close by.

Jill Smith- Kids out on their own exploring the world and making their own fun!! No parents and no money needed!! And we learnt self reliance!

Kristine Di Cerchio - Playing for hours outside with kids until so exhausted, sweat mixed with dust dripped off our cheeks. Feeling earth and grass under bare feet as we ran through the summer of our lives.

Joy Boots- Running around barefoot, a homemade swing tied to tree branches in the back yard, the toilet being way up at the back fence (not in the house), cooling down in summer with the hose tied to the clothes line.

If you have any other childhood experiences that you think we missed, share them here.

Image: Getty


Retirement life, caring, childhood, memories, Readers Respond