Melody Teh
Retirement Life

The world's most dangerous spider that is lurking in your home

Australians are being warned to keep an eye out for funnel webs during this spell of warmer weather.

They’re not just found in gardens though – the world’s deadliest spiders can quickly find their way into your home as they search for cool, damp places to spend the night.

Summertime is funnel web mating season, and you’ll most likely find them in the cooler evenings when you’re outside for your family BBQ.

Speaking to, Paul Hare, the Invertebrate Keeper at Taronga Zoo, said, “This time of year we find the males in the evenings when it's cooler, walking around looking for females.”

They are particularly attracted to cooler places in the home like bathrooms, the laundry and pools. In fact a funnel web can survive being underwater for several days, so don’t assume a spider in the pool is dead.

“If you do get bitten you will feel the effects very quickly,” continues Mr Hare, “it can make you very, very sick.”

Symptoms of a funnel web bite include severe pain at the site of the bite, abdominal pains, difficulty breathing, nausea and vomiting, dizziness and sweating.

These creatures have a venomous bite that can kill a human in just 15 minutes if left untreated. In the case of a bite, you are advised to call an ambulance immediately (most hospitals will have anti-venom) and apply a pressure immobilisation bandage. Keep the patient calm and still to avoid the venom travelling through the body. After a few days in hospital, most patients are sent home safely.

Have you seen any funnel webs in your home or garden? Share your story in the comments below.

Retirement Life