Joel Callen

Dubai to build Aladdin-inspired city

Perhaps it’s a way to generate more tourist dollars, maybe it’s a strategy to create more jobs. Hey, maybe they just want to show off just how much money they have. The why doesn’t really matter here, we just think this is kind of great: Dubai has greenlit a 4000-acre building complex inspired by characters from Arabian Nights.

Dubbed “Aladdin City”, the complex will feature six towers, some of which will resemble Aladdin’s magic lamp, linked by air-conditioned bridges with moving walkways. The towers will soar up to 34 storeys, and will house offices, at least one hotel, and 900 parking spaces.

The complex, due to begin construction next year, will be located in the historic Dubai Creek area, and conceptual art shows it gleaming in the city – golden markers of wealth, showmanship, and perhaps, a little playfulness.

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news, travel, Dubai, Aladdin, Joel Callen