Charlotte Foster

Karl loses it over Instagram models defending their activist brother

Karl Stefanovic has been reduced to a fit of laughter over two Instagram models’ fight for their recently incarcerated activist brother.

Elisha and Renee Herbert, Aussie-born twins, models, influencers and vegan activists, have taken to their social media accounts to defend their 22-year-old brother Eric, who was arrested after his latest political stunt.

Eric climbed on top of a train in Newcastle in an attempt to disrupt the city’s coal industry, and was handed a 12 month sentence on Monday for obstructing the locomotive and attempting to hinder mining equipment.

In defence of his actions, Elisha and Renee likened Eric’s climate activism to the plight of the famous black civil rights leader Nelson Mandela, or Rosa Parks.

When discussing Eric’s arrest on the Today Show, Karl mocked the twins’ outlandish claims.

“I mean these professional protesters - they're stopping industry. What a great leader,” Karl sarcastically said.

Stefanovic then played a clip of King's famous 'I have a dream' speech, and continued to dismiss the models.

“Gives you chills doesn't it. Arguably the greatest speech in history.”

“Roll forward 58 years and meet Eric Serge Herbert. Jailed in Newcastle Local Court for an anti coal mine protest.”

“His sisters from the Sunshine Coast living in LA - that's a long way from Caloundra - are keeping it real, comparing their brother to Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and more surprisingly Rosa Parks.”

Elisha has stood by her public support of her brother, unleashing an angry tirade to her millions of Instagram followers.

“People say 'he stopped a coal train he deserves what he gets or he made people an hour late to work'… are you actually kidding me?” she said.

“People are getting mad that they were one hour late to work once, well in 20 years when the world is f***ing dying and there is nothing you can do, nothing to reverse it, your not going to care about 20 years ago when you were one hour late to work so don't you dare f***ing say that is justice. That is not justice.”

Image credits: Today / Instagram

news, climate protest, Karl Stefanovic, influencers