Melody Teh

New “inspirited ageing” class in Auckland

Kerry-Ann Stanton is a community celebrant, educator and open floor teacher in training.

I would like to share with you a new programme I have developed that starts on 21 April, specifically designed for over-60s.

InSpirited Aging is a weekly practice of movement, writing, simple art making and conversation; an Open Floor approach led by me, ‘Inspirita’ Kerry-Ann Stanton. Open Floor is best described as a modern blend of conscious movement, mindfulness and artistry. 

Each two-hour session begins with movement, guided for about 30 to 40 minutes. This is followed by writing/art making/conversation for about 30 to 40 minutes. We finish with gentle movement and a listening meditation time.

I have danced for my own re-creation for as long as I can remember. At 60 I am an Open Floor Teacher in Training and love the freedom and permission that comes with this approach. One of its main values is that of ‘move and include’, so we have permission to be tired or frisky, sore and needing to take care, or wanting a place of tenderness or singing along!

Movement can be done sitting in a chair, moving around the room or exploring the space you are standing on. My experience tells me that there is a hunger to express ourselves creatively, throughout the fullness of our lifetime. The art making and writing is intended to deepen our experience of our movement practice. And the conversation, well …language is a human connection.  What we can articulate, we can integrate. Plus, in the Feisty Feet dance sessions I notice that the dancers are really keen to talk with each other!

The Inspirited Aging programme was provoked by my own aging and seeking to teach in ways that felt in integrity with who I am.  Inspirited Aging is my personal life practice in the present, and an invitation into my future.  As an educator, forever, I am drawn to share and teach.  I enjoy bringing the joys of movement to people in their older age. Dance has been shown to have a positive influence on people, such as a reduced risk of dementia, reduced stress and depression, providing increased energy and serotonin. And we have fun. Inspirited Aging is also intended to provide a creative stretch and a place for meaningful connection with our self and each other.

Other ways that I connect with what I call the ‘yum/yuck’ of life are leading funerals, marriages and other ceremonies, teaching for The Celebrant School, co-facilitating my local Death Café, leading Feisty Feet dance on contract for The New Zealand Dance Company (NZDC) and co-teaching Open Floor Dance Out West.  So, I am deeply privileged in my working life.

Just remember … “Stifling an urge to dance is bad for your health – it rusts your spirit and your hips.” –  Adabella Radici

Inspirited Aging

When: Starting April 21, every Friday 10am – 12pm

Cost: $25 per session, cash accepted and bank direct

Where: New Lynn Friendship Hall, New Lynn, Auckland (New Lynn Friendship Hall is walking distance, around 300m, from the New Lynn Transport Centre for train or bus).

Notes: Please wear comfortable clothes and soft shoes (bare feet are fine to move in). Please bring a water bottle and a journal and pencils/pens (if you have them).

Contact: Kerry-Ann Stanton on 0274745003 or at

Image credits: Jose Cano

News, Dance, Seniors, Movement, Ageing