
“Never get into an argument with a fool”: Dan Andrews’ fiery return to form

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews has used his first press conference to thank his supporters and make a dig at the "vile rumours" being spread about the circumstances relating to his injury.

The premier was back at work on Monday after spending 111 days recovering from broken ribs and spinal damage due to falling on wet stairs in March.

Mr Andrews thanked his colleagues, medical professionals and his family for the continuous support during his recovery.

"It's great to be back after a lengthy absence, one that was required in terms of a very serious injury," he said.

"I want to thank Cath and the kids, I want to thank my medical team, I want to thank every Victorian that has sent me cards and notes and best wishes.

"I want to thank Deputy Premier James Merlino who has done an astounding job."

During the time of his accident, some details about Mr Andrews' condition was unknown, causing a Liberal MP to ask a series of questions about who owned the holiday home where Mr Andrews and his family were staying, who called the ambulance, and whether police had interviewed the premier.

Mr Andrews said despite releasing a statement yesterday about his injury in his own words, putting an end to the "vile stories" about the incident may not be possible.

However, the premier did not appear fazed by the "fools" who spread misinformation about his injury.

"People who make up their own facts, you're best not really to get into an argument with them," he said.

"It's very difficult to win those arguments. People know me, they know my work, they know my background. They know that I love my family and I love my state.

"Never get into an argument with a fool."

The premier said the "vile, wicked" rumours circulating had been "very hurtful" to his family.

"It is very, very hurtful when kids are being taunted at school," he said.

"It is very hurtful when you see some of this stuff printed. And I'm not speaking for myself. I'm speaking on behalf of my family."

Now that he's back, Mr Andrews is ready to help Victorians.

"I have spent four months doing rehab, not getting fit to get out, but getting fit and healthy to get back to work for the people of Victoria," he said.

"That's what I'm doing, and that's what I'll do for as long as the people of Victoria want me to do that important work."

Mr Andrews said he had booked the holiday home for a week, which he paid for himself. He was on official leave at the time of his fall.

Daniel Andrews, injury, Victoria