
“No life experience, disgraceful”: One Nation leader Pauline Hanson hits back at Greta Thunberg

Controversial One Nation leader Pauline Hanson was not impressed at all with 16-year-old climate change activist Greta Thunberg’s passionate speech to United Nation leaders about climate change.

“I shouldn't be up here. I should be back in school on the other side of the ocean. Yet you all come to us for hope. How dare you. You have stolen my dreams and my childhood with your empty words,” Thunberg said during her speech at the Climate Action Summit in New York on Monday.

Hanson went on Sky News and blamed the education system for teaching children about the issue of climate change.

“It's very biased. It's not a balanced view and this is why children are faced with anxiety, panic attacks, and they feel the world is coming to an end and it's doomed,” Ms Hanson said. 

"I think that she's basically a teenager who has had no life experiences. She was actually voicing what other people have put into her head," Senator Hanson told Sky News, according to SBS.

"I blame the adults around her for allowing this to happen."

Hanson also blamed the fact that the climate change strike was on a school day.

“'How much effort would these kids put into it if they had to go on a weekend? You know, their own time. It was great to take a day off school. It was hyped up by the media and by everyone and I think it's disgraceful,” she said.

She’s not the only Australian politician whose unhappy with the Swedish activist’ strong words.

Sutherland Shire MP Craig Kelly posted on Facebook, "this child has no comprehension or understanding whatsoever of how free markets and fossil fuels she condemns".

"Her childhood has been stolen by alarmists that have brainwashed her."

Prime Minister Scott Morrison also cautioned those who are imposing “needless anxiety” on children when dealing with concerns around climate change.

"We have got to caution against raising the anxieties of children," he said.

"But I do understand that people do feel strongly about this ... I want children growing up in Australia to feel positive about their future."

pauline hanson, politics, australian politics, politicians, climate change, UN climate change summit, Greta Thunberg, scott morrison, Prime Minister Scott Morrison