Melody Teh

Prince George enjoys ride on police motorbike

Prince George has got a taste of the life of a police officer – with a ride on an official Metropolitan Police motorbike!

The two-year-old was spotted atop a bike outside Kensington Palace, while his mother the Duchess of Cambridge smiled on as she held Princess Charlotte in a pram.

Surrounded by four officers, Prince George tried to grasp the handle bars, which his little arm could only just reach.

The photo is reminiscent of similar occasion 29 years ago, when George’s father William enjoyed a ride on a police motorbike too.

In November 1987, William and Harry were photographed give a royal salute on a police bike during a visit to the police force.

Last year, Kate revealed she doesn’t like when Prince William rides his motorbikes.

“He's still riding [his motorbike]. It always fills me with horror when he goes out on it‎. I'm terrified. Hopefully, I'm going to keep George off it,” Kate said.

It looks like the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree though!

Scroll through the gallery above to see more pictures of George. Have you passed down a hobby to your children or grandchildren? Share your experience with us in the comments below. 

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News, Royals, Prince William, police, Duchess of Cambridge, Kate, Moterbike