
Sunrise host reports at Tokyo Olympics in the middle of an earthquake

Bizarre television footage has captured the moment a Sunrise TV host was caught in the middle of a 5.8 magnitude earthquake during the Tokyo Olympics.

Reporter Mark Beretta was standing atop one of the 10-storey temporary broadcasting towers outside the stadium when the grounds were rocked by a quake.

“Welcome back to the Olympic city where we are currently in an earthquake, an earth tremor,” the startled journalist said.

“The roof above us is moving and you might notice our lights and camera are moving as well.”

The earthquake continued for around 30 seconds, before Beretta could shakily continue undisturbed

Japan is prone to shakes, so thankfully most of the buildings for the Tokyo olympics are “earthquake proof,” Beretta said.

“That was quite an unusual moment, I have not been through an earthquake before,” Beretta told concerned co-hosts David Koch and Natalie Barr, who were watching from a Sydney studio.

“We’re in a tower, which at home would be made of scaffolding, but here it is made of construction steel.”

The 5.8 magnitude tremor hit at 5.33 am local time.

The German Research Centre for Geosciences reported that the epicentre of the tremor was out at sea, off Tokyo’s coast, at a shallow depth of 10km.

Mark Beretta, TV, Sunrise, Tokyo Olympics, Channel 7, breakfast show