Home Hints & Tips

6 secrets from people with peaceful homes

Does your home feel at times a bit chaotic? Try these top tips to re-instil serenity into your life at home.

1. Add plants – Plants will bring a necessary life to your room while maintaining the peaceful environment.

2. Use water colours – Light shades of certain colours can have a calming effect, including blues and greens. Try to avoid the use of any very bright shades, as these can stimulate the mind.

3. Decrease clutter – If your room is in disarray, your mind will be too. Get rid of excess clutter, i.e. anything that you haven’t used in the last 6 months (unless it’s seasonal) to make your room visually calmer.

4. Get some fish – Aquariums are a great way to add both life and serenity to a room. The sound of running water has a tranquil effect on the environment while the fish themselves are incredibly relaxing to watch as they swim about.

5. Add cosy elements – Add soft fabrics and textures such as a cashmere throw to your couch or bed for a look and feel that’s comfortable.

6. Assess the windows – If you live in a quiet area, open the windows to let in a pleasant breeze and remove any distracting odours while bringing in peaceful sunlight. If you live in a busy city environment, give the windows a close while leaving the curtains open to re-instil serenity to your environment.

Image credits: Getty Images

Home, Peaceful, Peace, Tips, House