Ben Squires
Home Hints & Tips

7 ways to clean your kitchen with simple household items

The folks at Food52 have exhibited some inspired thinking and shown how we can solve various household problems with simple household items. Some of these are way too clever.

1. Get rid of fruit flies in your kitchen

Before you flood your kitchen with Mortein, consider this method. Simply halve a lemon, put both sides in your oven and leave the door propped open overnight. In the morning close the door and turn the grill on for a few minutes. Turn it off, let the oven cool, throw away the lemons, clean the bottom of your oven and voila, no more fruit flies! It sounds strange but it really works.

2. Remove hard water deposits using just vinegar

Forget toxic chemicals, you can brings your dingy sinks back to their glory by simply applying vinegar. It’s not just good for fish and chips – it’s pretty much a ready-made, powerful household cleaner.

3. Clean kitchen cabinets with baking soda

The perfect cleaner for your gunky kitchen cabinets is actually already sitting in your kitchen! Make a solution that’s one part vegetable oil, two parts baking soda and you can clean those gunky kitchen cabinets in no time at all. All you need is a sponge, toothbrush or even just your fingers.

4. Cleaning white sinks with lemons

When life gives you lemons, you actually have the perfect tool for cleaning your sink. White sinks can look dodgy with the smallest bits of mess, so combine baking soda with a lemon half to kill germs and bring back shine. Sprinkle the soda in the sink and use your lemon wedge as a scrubber.

5. Toothpicks for mixers and machinery

Electric mixers and other devices can open up a world of possibilities in the kitchen, but they get dirty fast. A good way to get around this is by using a toothpick to get into any cracks and crevices that may have opened up. Then simply wipe off the residue with a damp cloth.

6. Get rid of grout with baking soda and vinegar

These two common household items combing to make a gentle solution that's very effective at getting rid of stains. Simple make a paste, apply it to the grout and let it sit for a little while. Before too long spray it with vinegar. It will fizz a little, then scrub with a toothbrush and voila – clean!

7. Clean the air in odd smelling kitchens

Sometimes no matter how hard we try we just can’t get our kitchens to smell clean. But before you go all gung-ho with the bleach, try this solution. Simmer some vinegar on the stove. This will help you clean the air and restore it to a more neutral smell for cooking and cleaning.

Images: Getty

cleaning, kitchen, News, Household tips