Danielle McCarthy
Home Hints & Tips

How often you should clean these household items according to science

Everyone knows the importance of keeping on top of the household chores but sometimes they can get buried in the busyness of life.

To help you know how long you have until you need to do a clean an item, here is scientific advice about when you should clean these household items.

1. Bed linen

When: Every 1-2 weeks

Although this timeframe needs to be altered if you shower at night or sleep naked, head of the Allergen and Upper Airways Group at the Woolcock Institute of Medical research, Euan Tovey, says that our bed linen is cleaner than we think. “We’ve done research that showed you don’t get as much exposure to dust mites in bed as we once thought.”

2. Pillowcases

When: Every 3 days

It is a good idea to have a clean pile of pillowcases on hand so that you can swap your old one every two or three nights. This will stop old hair and skin residue from coming back onto you.

3. Mattress protector

When: Every two months

Although this item can be forgotten, it is important to wash your mattress protector every two months. While you are cleaning your protector, it is also beneficial to clean your mattress with baking soda. If you sprinkle the mattress with baking soda for 30 minutes and then vacuum it up, you will remove any odours.

4. Microwave

When: Weekly

A microwave contains all sorts of food splatter, so it is important to do a thorough clean weekly. My Domaine recommends wiping it down and putting a dish filled with half a cup of water and half a cup of white vinegar inside. Then put the microwave on high until the window steams up. Finish by wiping the inside of the microwave with a sponge.

5. Sponges

When: After every use

Unfortunately, microwaving sponges does not rid them of bacteria. Instead, clean them after every use with hot water and dish soap. Reader’s Digest recommends washing them on the hottest washing machine cycle every few days.

6. Light switches

When: Once a week

Light switches should be wiped once a week due to the number of dirty fingers that touch them regularly.

7. Bathtub

When: Once a week

Simmons College found that skin infection causing bacteria was in 26 per cent of baths. So make sure your bath doesn’t get overlooked when you clean the toilet weekly.

8. Carpets professionally cleaned

When: Every 6-12 months

Getting your carpets cleaned professionally every six to 12 months can improve air quality inside your home, according to Robin Wilson. 

Image: Getty

clean, Science, Household, items, how, often