Domestic Travel

15 hiking tips for beginners

Always be prepared. It’s the motto you should live by if you’re heading off on a trek. To ensure this never happens to you, here are the essential tips that all beginner hikers need to remember.

1. It is always safest to hike with at least two other people.

2. Each hiker should carry a map and compass, and know how to use them.

3. You should tell someone where you are going and an estimated return time.

4. Never “wing it” – study a map beforehand so you know the terrain and routes.

5. Be prepared for sudden changes in weather by wearing layers and carrying wet weather gear.

6. Pace yourself when you first get on the trail. Choose a route that is suitable for the skill and fitness level of all group members – you don’t want to run out of steam half way through the trek.

7. Pack an emergency kit, including a basic first aid supplies, matches, emergency shelter, as well as a whistle or signal mirror in case you need to summon for help.

8. Never hike in brand new shoes. Wear comfortable socks and shoes that are suitable for the terrain.

9. If you are hiking when lightning strikes, never walk above the tree line.

10. Bring a light source, such as a flashlight or a headlight.

11. Don’t dispose of your trash in the wilderness. Bring it back with you.

12. Check the weather report before heading out and adjust accordingly.

13. Wear sunscreen and insect repellent.

14.  Keep your backpack as light as possible.

15. Always bring some supplies of water and food, even if it’s meant to be a short trip.

Image: Getty

tips, outdoors, Hiking, travel, domestic travel