Domestic Travel

How to survive camping in bad weather

When the elements are wild and unpredictable it can make for an unpleasant camping trip. Here are our top tips to surviving camping in bad weather.

Don’t go

This seems like the obvious choice but many people still move forward with their trip as it’s a waste of all the time, planning and preparation. However, nobody is likely to have a good time, especially grandchildren, if you’re cooped up in a tent or caravan for the entire weekend. If it’s possible to postpone the trip, then do it.


Even if conditions are sunny and perfect when you arrive at your campsite, always think about the best location to pitch your tent if it does happen to rain and storm. Where will the water run? When the water hits the tent, will it pool in the indentation you set up? Steer clear of gullies, river banks in case of flash flooding.

Extra shelter

When you’re camping in the winter months, even if it’s forecast to be clear, it’s always a good idea to bring extra shelter. You can use this extra shelter to provide protection for your camping gear, provide an area to cook and eat, and if there is a leak in your tent, use as a tarp.

Wet-weather gear

When you need to move around a campsite in the rain, appropriate wet-weather gear will keep you dry and warm. That means waterproof jackets and hoods, ponchos and rubber boots – and when it comes to camping gear, you do usually get what you pay for. Make sure you have a few sets of spare clothes as well in case you do get a drenching.

Waterproof bags

Sometimes your gear will get wet and since you don’t want wet things in your sleeping area, store them in bags. Ensure dry things stay dry by also storing them in waterproof bags.

Wet weather activities

Be prepared with an arsenal of wet weather activities such as cards, board games, puzzles and crosswords to do. Otherwise, go for a drive and explore the area – you could find some great spots to check out when the weather is dry or have some fun splashing in the mud and rain with the grandkids.

Image: Getty

caravan, camping, weather, travel tips, domestic travel