Melody Teh
Domestic Travel

This is Australia's ghost hot spot

Do you see a ghost in this picture? For those who believe in the supernatural, the creepy and weird, you can see the place yourself as it’s right in our backyard.

Apparently there’s one place in particular the paranormal are drawn to – the birthplace of European settlers in Australia, The Rocks in Sydney.

“It’s where the first settlers settled, it was very brutal back in those times,” Wes Raddysh, from The Rocks Ghost Tours, told

“Every spot will have its story, but the first stories all belong here in The Rocks.

“A lot of them stay in the area because they’re so beholden to it. Quite a few Sydney Harbour rangers see a lot of the same ones.”

The “ones” he speaks of is a specific ghost that lives in the Merchants House on George Street.

According to the legend, in the 1800s a rich businessman strangled his wife to death after finding her in bed with another man. The woman is believed to still haunt the house and can be heard walking on the stairs.

“Quite a few people have sightings of this old woman,” Mr Raddysh said. “A lot of the rangers go there late at night but often what they see is an old lady.”

The stairs of the house, which was built in 1848, are apparently the creepiest staircase in the city.

Eerie photos are often sent in to the Rock Ghosts Tours by guest who took the tour.

Another “hot spot” for ghosts in the area is the Garrison Church in Millers Point, the first military church built in colonial Australia.

“The Rocks is a hot spot as it is the first settlement ... many of the spirits remain here as they know no other place. They effectively lived and died right here,” Mr Raddysh said.

Sydney, domestic travel, ghosts, The Rocks