Ben Squires
Domestic Travel

UN release annual quality of life index

New Zealand was ranked equal ninth best country in the in the world for quality of life according to a UN report based on measures including economic, education and life-expectancy data.

New Zealand was equal with Canada while our friends across the ditch in Australia were ranked second best. Australia’s “Human Development Index” (HDI) was measured a .935 (out of a possible maximum score of one). This puts Australia second to only Norway which topped the list for 2015, and ahead of Switzerland which came in at third position.

The UN base the HDI on what it calls “three basic dimensions of human development, being life expectancy at birth, mean and expected years of schooling and standard of living.

The UN Human Development Index International Scorecard:

1. Norway

2. Australia

3. Switzerland

4. Denmark

5. Netherlands

6. Germany

7. Ireland

8. United States

9. =New Zealand

9. =Canada

11. Singapore

Source: UN HDI report, 17/12/2015

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australia, travel, Travel tips, UN