Ben Squires
International Travel

Confessions from hotel staff

Looks as though our days of getting a comfortable night's sleep in a hotel are over.

Well not really, but some of these confessions are seriously disturbing.

On the online forum Reddit a group of hotel workers have shared some of the more untoward aspects of working in the hospitality industry. We’ve put together a selection of the most interesting confessions (sometimes for the wrong reasons) below.

You room isn’t as clean as you think – from the glasses in the bathroom that are “just held under a tap and rinsed, to the rarely washed duvet there are many parts of a hotel room that aren't cleaned as thoroughly as you'd expect (and hope!). 

Hotels may have a “banned” list – one of the hotel workers claimed that in his city a collection of 15 to 20 hotels had created a permanent "banned" list, suggesting that if you cause trouble at one of these hotel you could be banned at all of them.

Some guests take it way too far – most of the hotel workers were adamant that normal front desk requests were fine, but there were a few accounts of guests taking it way too far including one who demanded that they have a pillow that is not "facing north".

You may be targeted for a scam – one of the hotel workers warned people in the forum about scam artists calling rooms late at night under the guise of being the front desk and demanding their credit card details. Something to definitely be wary about! 

Kind hearted guest – one story that caught our attention was that of a man who asked someone at the front desk for a restaurant recommendation. When the recommended restaurant was closed and the man returned, the hotel clerk expected to be yelled at but was instead greeted by a selection of desserts the man had purchased from the restaurant next door.

The hotel worker said in her post, “He told me he appreciated my effort, though, and then said the following most beautiful words I have ever heard on the job: ‘I figured you might be hungry, so I ordered you one of every dessert on the menu. That way if you like them, you can recommend them to future guests instead of that other place’.”

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travel, hotel, travel international, Hotel staff