Danielle McCarthy
International Travel

Why Sydney Harbour Bridge flags were at half-mast yesterday

Yesterday, Australian flags on the Sydney Harbour Bridge were flying at half-mast at the request of Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull in respect of the passing of the president of Vanuatu.

On Sunday, His Excellency Womtelo Reverend Baldwin Lonsdale died at the age of 67 due to a heart attack.

Mr Turnbull requested all flags on buildings occupied by Australian Government departments and affiliated agencies be flown at half-mast to pay tribute to the deceased president.

President Baldwin Lonsdale was elected in September 2014 and was the first president from the Torba Province.

The funeral was held yesterday in Port Vila, Vanuatu.

Mr Turnbull has offered his condolences and said that the Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, Peter Cosgrove, would represent Australia at the funeral.

In accordance with flag protocol, the flags and ensigns at each flag station were flown at half-mast during daylight hours.

Recently, flags have been flown at half-mast to commemorate victims of the Martin Place siege, to honour the late Saudi king, for the death of cricketer Phillip Hughes and Remembrance Day. 

Image credit: Daniel Aarons

Sydney, travel, vanuatu, domestic, Harbour Bridge, Flags, President, half-mast