Rizna Mutmainah
International Travel

Young woman praised for "speaking the truth" about Australia's history

A young Aussie woman has gone viral on TikTok after sharing the "hard truths" about the country's history. 

The unidentified woman was quizzed on facts about her home country by content creator Surgen TV, who stopped her while she was walking down a street in London. 

She nailed a series of "true or false" questions, and when asked to share something that most people don't know about Australia, her "eloquent" left many Aussies proud. 

While she initially shared some facts about the "Great Emu War" - which occurred in 1932, when soldiers were armed with machine guns in WA to battle huge flocks of emus in a bid to stop them destroying crops - it was the second fact she shared that got people's attention. 

“The Indigenous population of Australia actually only makes up 3 per cent of the total population, that’s because of colonisation and ‘The Stolen Generation’,” she shared. 

She then went on to explain that it referred to a period in Australian history where Aboriginal children were removed from their families through government policies. 

“British and European colonisers wanted to ‘breed out’ the Indigenous culture, and basically would start trying to make mixed-race babies so they could eventually wean out the Indigenous population,” she explained.

“It was a very cruel time in Australia, a very bad part of our history," she added, referencing the shameful historic event that occurred  between 1910 and the 1970s and also affected Torres Strait Islander families.


Many were quick to praise the woman, with First Nations people applauding her for  “talking about our history in such a respectful way and with a caring tone”. 

“Indigenous Australian here, we love sis and appreciate her and her voice,” one commented.

“Well done. For speaking the truth,” another shared.

"Using her voice right," a third wrote. 

“I can’t completely describe how relieved I am to hear this nuanced response from a young Australian,” added another. 

“Well said young lady, well put ... you make me proud to be an Australian,” added another.

Others were impressed by how "articulate" she was, with some Aussies admitting they'd never even heard of the Emu War. 

“Am I the only one who just got schooled on the Emu War," wrote one. 

“She’s beautiful, smart, and respectful,” added another. 

The video has gained almost 800,000 views since it was shared on Saturday, with over 81,000 likes.

Images: TikTok

International Travel, Australia, London, History