Danielle McCarthy
Travel Insurance

4 times travel insurance won’t cover your missed flight

Thousands of holidaymakers have the trips spoiled by interruptions to scheduled flights every year. Whether it’s the eruption of a nearby volcano, a clerical error or some gross act of incompetence, there’s nothing more frustrating than a missed flight.

The problem is, many of these circumstances aren’t covered by typical travel insurance policies, even though the standard traveller on the street might think they are.

Natalie Ball from Comparetravelinsurance.com.au explains, “In a nutshell, travel delays or cancellations where the airline is at fault are not covered, this could be anything from mechanical problems, maintenance, staff shortages or overbooking.

“However, disruptions outside of the airlines control such as bad weather and natural disasters are generally covered.”

So, what are the circumstances where your travel insurer won’t cover you for a missed flight? We’ve ran through a selection of common travel insurance policies and found four circumstances where you’re typically not covered for a missed flight*.

To see them all, scroll through the gallery above.

Have you ever missed a flight? Let us know in the comments section, we’d love to hear from you!

* Circumstances vary from insurer to insurer. This article is for general information only. You should seek formal financial advice on your specific circumstances.

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