Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

10 ways to deal with motion sickness while travelling

Motion sickness can get even the best planned holiday off to a sour start. It can also be a debilitating condition, particularly for senior travellers.

We’re going to take you through our best tips for coping with motion sickness while you’re travelling. By following this guide you can be sure you will make it to your destination fit, healthy and most-importantly, ready to enjoy your holiday.

1. Get fresh air

Fresh air can soothe the symptoms of motion sickness. Something as simple as opening a car or bus window can make a big difference when you’re suffering.

2. Block your view

Motion sickness can be exacerbated by the movement outside your vehicle, so consider sunglasses or sleep masks to block you view enough to curtail the symptoms.

3. Ginger products

This one might seem a little out of left-field, but many people espouse the benefits of products like ginger chews and ginger biscuits when dealing with motion sickness.

4. Eat something dry

Eating something dry like crackers, can help alleviate the symptoms of motions sickness, as the dry food can help soak up any access residing in your stomach.

5. Acupressure

Applying a small amount of pressure to the underside of your wrist can help alieve the symptoms of motion sickness. Press the small “valley” in your wrist where you feel your tendons and you should experience relief in about 10 seconds or so.

6. Avoid visual stimuli

Reading in cars and buses can help increase the onset of motion sickness as the movement of the vehicle makes it difficult to focus on words, so try to avoid this.

7. Watch consumption of food and drinks

The night before a big trip, try to avoid excessive amounts of alcohol, foods that make you feel usually full and heavy, spicy, far-rich dishes.

8. Isolate yourself from other suffering from motion sickness

If you’re suffering from motion sickness the last person you want to hear from is probably someone else who is suffering from it. Hearing about other people who are suffering from the same condition can often make you feel worse yourself!

9. Keep your gaze fixed on the horizon

By keeping your eye on a fixed point, you can sometimes regain a sense of equilibrium when travelling by car or boat. Especially useful on a cruise!

10. Consider medication

If you are particularly susceptible to motion sickness and you feel it will impact your trip, it’s worth touching base with you GP about medication you can take.

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insurance, travel, holiday, sickness, motion