Alex O'Brien
Travel Tips

5 foods you must never eat on a flight

Let’s face it, plane food leaves a little to be desired. Therefore, it’s completely natural to bring food that’s a little more appetising onboard with you. However, as anyone who’s flown long-haul before will tell you, there’s a huge difference between your seat mate quietly nibbling on a block of chocolate versus opening a pre-packed (and very pungent) tuna sandwich. To ensure you’re not the most hated person on your next flight, we recommend avoiding these 5 foods.

  1. Chips – chips are a common option for an in-flight snack, and if you’re flying during the day or plan on eating them during take-off, you’ll probably be fine. It’s only when people are trying to have their “quiet time” or catch some shut-eye that you’ll get nasty looks, especially if the bag is particularly noisy.
  2. Meat and fish – yes, your salmon sandwich might smell incredibly appetising to you, but there’s nothing worse than a stinky fish or deli meat when you’re in a confined area. Best leave this one at home.
  3. Fast food – we all like a bit of McDonalds before a flight every now and then, but do your fellow passengers a favour and finish your meal before you climb on board. Think about when you bring fast food into a car – the smell lingers for days, weeks, months… and on a plane, it’s even worse.
  4. Chewing gum – gum is great for those of us who get blocked ears when flying, but there’s nothing more annoying than someone vigorously chewing with their mouths open or, heaven forbid, sticking it under their chair when they’re done (trust us, it happens). By all means chew some gum during take-off and landing, but do so quietly.
  5. Nuts – this might seem counter-intuitive given many airlines give their passengers a bag of nuts for a snack, but if they haven’t given them out, it’s for good reason – someone has indicated they have an allergy. Respect the health concerns of others and leave the peanuts at home.

What’s your biggest travel pet peeve? Tell us about it in the comments below.

Related links:

5 things you should never do when visiting a new city

Why you must never throw out your boarding pass

7 foods to definitely avoid before catching a flight

travel, flying, food, etiquette, plane