Alexandra Houle
Travel Tips

5 ways to stay cool while camping

The temperature is beginning to soar and when you’re heading out on a camping adventure the last thing you want is to feel hot and bothered, especially if you’re living in a tent. Luckily there’s no need to forgo the adventure altogether if the forecast predicts stinking hot days, just follow these tips.

1. Position your campsite

Before you set up camp, think ahead to position your tent where there will be the most afternoon shade. Remember what’s shady in the morning might not be the case as the day progresses.

2. Air the tent

Try to set up your tent as late as possible to avoid heat building up inside. Leave the fly off and open up doors and windows so any breeze can cool the tent.

3. Wear light clothing

Pack for the weather so bring plenty of light-coloured, loose-fitting and moisture-wicking cloths. Wear a hat and lather up with the sunscreen. This will help keep cool while you traversing the bushlands.

4. Plan suitable activities 

Seek out hot-weather activities like exploring caves or swimming in rivers or pools that will keep you cool in hot conditions. If you plan to do outdoor activities schedule them in for the morning or evening, when the sun is not so hot.

5. Hydrate and eat cold foods

Load up on cold food you don’t need to cook like salads, fruits and ice blocks. And make sure you keep hydrated. Water is best over dehydrating drinks like alcohol, coffee and tea.

Image: Shutterstock

outdoors, lifestyle, camping, tips