Travel Tips

6 step guide to travelling in developing countries

Developing countries are endlessly fascinating and a travel experience not be missed, though you will need to be prepared.

1. Do your research

In developing countries, it’s rare that you can just buy a plane ticket, arrive and wing it. You’ll need to research destinations, accommodation, transport options and safety in much more depth than you would for your typical holiday spot. This research should continue right up until you depart. The situations in these countries can change overnight, so you want to be up to date with any dangerous incidents or government warnings.

2. Learn the local customs

A little consideration goes a long way. You don’t want to be the obnoxious tourist who is offending locals without even realising it. As part of your research, look into things like appropriate dress code, cultural conventions around touching or the correct type of language to use. You’ll also need to make some observations during your first few days in a country and ensure you’re behaving in an appropriate way. Remember that you are a guest in their community and should be respectful of their beliefs and customs.

3. Be prepared for limited facilities

Be prepared for a different level of comfort than you would expect at home or in a first world country. You’ll mostly need to avoid drinking the tap water and the toilets may leave something to be desired. Toiletries can also be hard to come by, so come with your own supply of wet wipes, hand sanitisers or any personal items you need.

4. Choose wisely

This applies to everything from your choice of hotel to buying a snack on the street. Even if you’ve booked a hotel online, make sure that you check the security features and quality of the room before you commit to spending the night. Do your own research or ask a travel agent about the safest transport options. Many developing countries don’t have the same standards for their airlines or trains as we do. And when you’re choosing a restaurant, find somewhere that looks clean, busy and is well patronised by locals (not just tourists) – they are the best judges of where to eat.

5. Beware of begging

Poverty can be a big problem in many developing countries, so it’s common to see people begging on the street. It’s tempting to give people money, especially when it’s children. While it might seem that you are helping them, handouts from travellers can create an ongoing culture of begging. Instead, look for a local charitable organisation to donate to or approach a local school or church and see if there are any supplies you can purchase for them.

6. Understand bartering and bribery

Bartering is a part of life in many developing countries and is expected everywhere from the local market to taxi drivers. Vendors often like to get tourists to play the game and will encourage you to bargain with them, even if you are happy to pay the original price. You don’t want to be ripped off but also remember that while saving a dollar or so means little to you, it can be a big difference to them. You also need to be aware that many of these countries operate on an unofficial system of bribery, so you might be expected to pay a small fee to make a transaction go smoothly. If the amount is small enough, just pay it and move on.

7. Register your travel

New Zealand government organisation SafeTravel encourages all travellers to register with them, but this is most important if you’re visiting developing countries. In the event of a disaster, communication can become impossible so it is a good idea if the local embassy knows you are in the country. They may be able to provide assistance or just let your family back home know that you are safe. It’s free and only takes a couple of minutes.

Image credits: Getty Images

tips, travel, Countries, experience, devloping