Michelle Reed
Travel Tips

8 simple measures to avoid sickness overseas

At best, getting sick overseas is an annoying inconvenience that takes time away from your trip. At worst, the outcomes of falling ill in another country can be potentially disastrous.

As with most things in life, when it comes to overseas illnesses prevention is better than the cure, so we’ve put together a list of eight simple measures that will ensure you stay healthy overseas.

Before you book anything, it’s a good idea to check this website and see if there are any medical warnings/requirements for your planned destinations. Once you’ve booked accommodation and tickets, you can register your plans to ensure you’re easily accessible in an emergency.

To stay healthy when travelling overseas, we recommend you take the following measures:

  1. Visit a travel health specialist, particularly if you’re visiting parts of the world that require vaccinations. These medical professionals can administer the vaccination.
  2. Take out travel insurance, which will ensure that you are covered for activities you’re undertaking, as well as any the event of hospital treatment or medical evacuation.  
  3. Keep your insurance company’s contact details handy, and with you at all times. If they’ve got an emergency assistance card even better. It’s also important to contact the company the second you feel as though you need help. Most travel insurance companies provide 24-hour emergency contact and advice services for travellers signed onto their policies.
  4. Consider taking a traveller’s medical kit, which can be filled with useful items such as aspirin, antiseptic, cotton wool, band aids, insect replant and hand sanitiser.
  5. Exercising good personal hygiene, as well as a degree of care in regards to what you’re eating and drinking can go a long way to help avoid the dreaded symptoms of gastro.
  6. Pack mosquito repellent, and wear clothing items like long-sleeved shirts and long pants to avoid being bitten by mosquitos as they could be carrying some nasty diseases.
  7. Avoid contact with dogs, and other animals like monkeys that may be carrying rabies.
  8. Get a quick check up, when you return home, particularly if you’ve felt ill when away.

Image credits: Getty Images

travel, holiday, health, sickness